Frequently asked questions asked by our customers.
Can you please share list of exams?
Yes, exams list is available on every exam page. Still you have any doubt, please feel free to contact us.
Do I need to provide my account details to complete the exam?
Yes, I need your account credentials to login on respective website to complete the exam. Also, please verify Name on your account. This name will show on your certificates.
Can you complete the exam on Team Viewer?
No, I can complete exams on my PC only. If you don’t want to share your account details, you can login into my PC through Team Viewer.
Is there any public link for the Google/SEMrush/HubSpot certificates?
Yes, you can download and share the certificates.
Do you provide drip feed?
Drip feed is only available if you are buying bundle.
Any Discount?
Yes, discount is available if you buy multiple bundle for multiple users.